10 Mar Garden Rooms Featured in The Irish Times
Orna Mulcahy wrote a wonderful piece in the Irish Times Weekend Magazine last January on feeling cabin-feverish after the Christmas break, highlighting the wonderful benefits of one of our Garden Rooms to provide extra space families crave especially after being cooped up together during the holidays and again when hobbies, work, guests or teenagers start taking over the place.
We couldn’t agree more, we find that families remain close if they’re not too close!
Orna was also interested in the variety of customers we have and the range and uses of the GardenRooms. We have musicians with sound proofed Gardenrooms, a person who uses it for their Lego collections, offices, gyms and teenage dens and studies, in fact the list of uses is endless!
Orna mentioned Johns thinking too on the benefits for parents with teenagers who want their own space to hang out with their friends without constant supervision, where better then than at the end of the Garden in the GardenRoom where they can enjoy the feeling of independence and freedom. Everyone’s a winner, they’re delighted with themselves in their own space and parents are happy that they are ‘away -at home’ and safe and sound.
Check out the full article here.
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